30 November, 2020

Construction of a new fit-for-purpose Victoria State Emergency Service (VICSES) Knox facility is underway at 609 Burwood Highway, Knoxfield, with May Constructions awarded as building contractor.

A Divisional Control Point, which coordinates major emergency response activities with other emergency services agencies, will be featured at the new facility. This is in addition to drive through motor bays, two training rooms, four additional vehicle storage bays and a design including environmentally sustainable design principles, such as solar panels, water tanks and rain gardens.

"A Divisional Control Point, which coordinates major emergency response activities with other emergency services agencies, will be featured at the new facility. "

The Unit is consistently one of the busiest road rescue units in metropolitan Melbourne, alongside VICSES Frankston, and overall has responded to 2,870 requests for assistance between July 2015 and June 2020.

The new facility will also help support the retention and recruitment of new volunteers and is due for completion in 2021.

Location - VICSES Knox