07 January, 2022

Three new VICSES facilities have been opened across the state, providing volunteers with modern and fit-for-purpose bases in time for the busy summer season.

The new buildings – in Wangaratta, Emerald and Knox – include motor bays, administration offices, increased storage and training facilities, supporting volunteers in their vital work keeping Victorians safe.

The Wangaratta and Knox facilities also include Divisional Control Points, enabling coordination of emergency responses with agencies such as Victoria Police, Ambulance Victoria, and fire services.

Communities and local volunteers welcomed their new headquarters at official openings in November and December 2021.

"The new buildings include motor bays, administration offices, increased storage and training facilities"

The new facilities were delivered by the Emergency Services Infrastructure Authority (ESIA) within the Community Safety Building Authority, as part of a $125 million Victorian Government investment in VICSES capital works.

ESIA collaborates with VICSES and volunteers to ensure facilities are fit-for-purpose and meet operational needs. Volunteers selflessly contribute their time and effort to help keep the local community safe. It’s critical they have the space and resources they need to continue their important work now and into the future.


Location - VICSES Units

The facilities are situated in Wangaratta, Emerald and Knox providing volunteers with modern and fit-for-purpose bases in time for the busy summer season.