26 October, 2021

The Victoria State Emergency Service (VICSES) Knox Unit recently moved into its new address at 607 Burwood Highway, Knoxfield.

With 50 active members, volunteers from the VICSES Knox Unit are among the most active in Victoria, responding to 1200 requests for assistance from July 2020 to June 2021 inclusive.

Over the same period, Knox volunteers responded to almost 60 road crash rescue incidents, making them Victoria’s busiest principal provider of road crash rescue services.

The new fit-for-purpose facility is co-located with the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP) local headquarters, and will enable an expansion of local services, while supporting the retention and recruitment of new volunteers.

"Over the same period, Knox volunteers responded to almost 60 road crash rescue incidents, making them Victoria’s busiest principal provider of road crash rescue services."

The new site includes a Divisional Control Point, which coordinates emergency response activities with other emergency services agencies, and will enable the Unit to continue to respond effectively and assist Victoria Police, Ambulance Victoria and fire services throughout the state. 

The new fit-for-purpose facility was delivered by the Emergency Services Infrastructure Authority, part of the Community Safety Building Authority.

Location - VICSES Knox